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如何数胎动?Counting Fetal Movement

2018.02.24 737人阅读 来源:爱博恩妇产医院


Pregnant women issue the questions: How to monitor the fetal movement properly right from the second trimester? How to make a kick count?  Thank you.   


Dr. Yin answers: We suggest pregnant women monitor fetal movement throughout the whole pregnancy ever since they’ve feel it. We do not recommend you to make the kick counts during the first or second trimester as neither it obvious nor regular. Kick out should be made when in the third trimester, especially after 28 weeks. It is suggested that formal movement counting should be lasting for one hour after breakfast and lunch, and no less than 3 movements within one hour.


But you have to make a compare with your own kick counts, for example, it is abnormal when 20 movements for every hour previously, but today only 3. A count of too much or too less movement prompts immediate contact with hospital.

如果您有更多疑问请拨打电话咨询或预约专家:020-36 663 663。

Please feel free to contact us or make a specialist appointment: 020-36 663 663. 


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